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Hartford Yard Goats Baseball
Hartford Yard Goats Baseball
Hartford Yard Goats Baseball

UConn’s New Year’s Resolutions

2016 was an eventful year for UConn sports, though not often for the right reasons. We had some cool stuff happen (Jalen Adams hit...

Ranked: UConn Women’s Basketball Rivals

The UConn Women’s Basketball Team has a long and storied tradition of beating the absolute hell out of everyone. But despite this, the Huskies...

UConn Men & Women Ready for Doubleheader Tonight

Are you ready for an evening of sports? We’ve got ourselves a double-header happening, folks. The UConn women return home to go for consecutive win 102 against Temple (trash), while the men travel to Houston (trash) to take on Houston, who is trash.
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The ADB Mailbag: More Rankings

We're closing out Ranking Week here at A Dime Back by ranking three random things you asked for. Disagree? Let us know. Did we...

Hometown Huskies: Connecticut’s Finest

Nutmeg State balls out

Ranked: UConn Point Guards

Yooooooo there are no games this week so let’s rank some stuff! We got this question from Storrs South on the Twitters: We always talk...