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Hartford Yard Goats Baseball
Hartford Yard Goats Baseball

Ranked: UConn’s Best Pros in 2018

#RankedWeek marches on, this time, by popular demand, with an update of a list we compiled last year ranking the UConn alums excelling in...

Ranked: UConn’s Best Centers

Hi, and welcome to Ranked Week. It's the time of year where we manufacture content to generate page views during a typically dead part...

Rebecca Lobo keeps dunking on me

Hi. If you've been following the A Dime Back brand for a while, here are a few things you definitely know: I am short....

Progress Through the Eyes of a Title IX Pioneer, My Mother

Last Saturday I took my mother to the UConn women’s basketball game against SMU at Gampel. Mom and I are both alums, graduating nearly...
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The ADB Mailbag: More Rankings

We're closing out Ranking Week here at A Dime Back by ranking three random things you asked for. Disagree? Let us know. Did we...

Your annual ranking of every game on UConn’s schedule

Well, I'm back on my bullshit. Every year I rank every game on the UConn men's basketball schedule (and sometimes more), so now it's time...

Ranked: UConn Wins Over Cincy

As #RankedWeek continues, we thought it only fair to include a list we are sure will not make Mick Cronin mad, but that he...