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Hartford Yard Goats Baseball
Hartford Yard Goats Baseball
Hartford Yard Goats Baseball

Meghan Goes Full Lawyer on the Hurley Deal

Well, folks, UConn got itself a new men’s basketball head coach, and Dan Hurley got himself a shiny new contract. So you know what...

Retrocast (feat. Khalid El-Amin): UConn vs. Pitt (Dec. 12, 1998)

One of our all-time favs, UConn legend Khalid El-Amin, joined us to watch an iconic game as #1 UConn visited Pitt to open Big...


They did things that cause losing and they lost.

UConn Goes Out Fighting

Huskies fall to Kansas

UConn Lands Five-Star Center

UConn's string of strong recruiting continues

With Cockburn to Illinois, Where Will UConn Find Frontcourt Help

When 2019 4-star center Kofi Cockburn (#33 on 247Sports Composite) chose Illinois over UConn on Sunday, it marked the second recruiting miss for Dan Hurley...

What Went Wrong: Benching Rodney Purvis

The grand lineup experiment failed.

The Kevin Ollie Decision

If you want to experience what our twitter mentions are like, hire a bunch of strangers to follow you around screaming “Fire Kevin Ollie!”...

Daniel Hamilton’s Best Games

With so much negativity in the world right now surrounding Daniel Hamilton's decision to leave UConn and subsequent struggles at the NBA Combine, we...

#MailWeek: UConn’s All-Transfer Team

It’s #MailWeek at A Dime Back. The men are off until the weekend and you folks are just salivating for content, so we’re going...
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Walk-ons, ranked

Somehow not "Tor Watts" written 10 times

All 999 of Geno Auriemma’s wins, ranked

1. 298 2. 530 3. 924 4. 166 5. 671 6. 508 7. 658 8. 685 9. 703 10. 335 11. 197 12. 321 13. 68 14. 516 15. 42 16. 92 17. 459 18. 775 19. 362 20. 15 21. 715 22. 529 23. 559 24....

Ranking UConn’s Best Pros

Getting paid to play sports. Imagine?