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Hartford Yard Goats Baseball
Hartford Yard Goats Baseball

UConn’s season ends with brutal loss to Cincinnati

UConn football has had its share of brutal, brutal losses in the past several years, and might have set a new benchmark, somehow, in...

The ADB Mailbag: Recruiting, Donyell, Men’s Sports, Breakout Player

It's been a long time since we mailbagged. Consider the wait your punishment. Hopefully you've learned your lesson and will behave better in the...
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#MailWeek: Worst UConn Injuries

Thanks for sticking with us during #MailWeek, as we answered your questions and staved off conference realignment based panic attacks. Today's question comes from Tim,...

Ranked: Our Twitter followers

A Dime Back, or as you may know us: Award-Winning TwitThing @ADimeBack, somehow has over 4,000 followers on the free website twitter.com. These people...

#MailWeek: Best Non-Conference Games of All-Time

Despite our general hostility towards our readers, we really do enjoy answering your questions in our weekly ADB Mailbag. However, some of your queries...