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All 999 of Geno Auriemma’s wins, ranked

1. 298 2. 530 3. 924 4. 166 5. 671 6. 508 7. 658 8. 685 9. 703 10. 335 11. 197 12. 321 13. 68 14. 516 15. 42 16. 92 17. 459 18. 775 19. 362 20. 15 21. 715 22. 529 23. 559 24....

Ranked: Top 11 Players of the Kevin Ollie Era

It's #RankedWeek (maybe). Today we're kicking things off by responding to a mailbag question from Nick... Rank the top ten players of the KO era. —...

Top Posts of 2016

2016 was something of a down year for UConn (only one national championship? Why even show up?), but it was a record-setting year for...