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Hartford Yard Goats Baseball
Hartford Yard Goats Baseball

Monthly Archives: September 2013

Not Your Best Work, Tyler

With Tyler Olander suspended indefinitely for drunk driving, and perhaps having jeopardized his entire future, we're here to tackle the important questions: most notably,...
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The ADB Mailbag: More Rankings

We're closing out Ranking Week here at A Dime Back by ranking three random things you asked for. Disagree? Let us know. Did we...

Ranked: Our Twitter followers

A Dime Back, or as you may know us: Award-Winning TwitThing @ADimeBack, somehow has over 4,000 followers on the free website twitter.com. These people...

Your annual ranking of every game on UConn’s schedule

Well, I'm back on my bullshit. Every year I rank every game on the UConn men's basketball schedule (and sometimes more), so now it's time...