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Hartford Yard Goats Baseball
Hartford Yard Goats Baseball
Hartford Yard Goats Baseball

We Have Questions: The Shabazz is the Man Edition

Yesterday, a thing called Stumptown Coffee, which is apparently a Portland coffee place, released a new commercial for a special Blazers-themed coffee blend starring...

So! Much! UConn! Sports!

Friends, we are in that beautiful sports sweet spot, where fall sports are still going on and the winter season is beginning. There is...

Halfway through the season, signs of life for UConn’s defense

Tomorrow marks the beginning of the second half of the 2017 UConn football season, and last week’s semi-miraculous win over Temple -- the Huskies...

Fuck This Shit: Actually, It’s Not Funny At All

A football beat reporter in an NFL press conference asking a team’s quarterback about routes shouldn’t surprise anyone. It definitely shouldn’t surprise the quarterback,...

The ADB Mailbag: Your favorite UConn athlete ever is Rebecca Lobo

Hey. It's bag time. Let's go! Remember: If your question wasn’t answered or you’ve been living under a rock and are just hearing about this,...
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#MailWeek: All-Time Comebacks

It’s #MailWeek at A Dime Back. The men are off until the weekend and you folks are just salivating for content, so we’re going...

Ranked: UConn Villains

Dastardly villains.

Ranked: UConn Point Guards

Yooooooo there are no games this week so let’s rank some stuff! We got this question from Storrs South on the Twitters: We always talk...