If you have been following A Dime Back for a while, you know that we love dumb games. Bracket games, fantasy drafts, more bracket games, etc.
Well I have another one for you.
On Friday, I launched the first annual Silver Sword Competition — a game where you pick the top two finishers in each of the Feast Week tournaments. Due to my shameless plugging of the contest on Twitter and Facebook, we are at about 50 entries right now, but expect more in the next few days.
Want to get in on the fun? Either enter below or head here and fill out my super-sophisticated Google form. Seriously, I worked hard on it.
The deadline for entry is Thursday at 11 a.m., shortly before the first games tip off.
Study up, make your picks, and LET’S GO CHAMINADE!!!!!!!
(Chaminade’s nickname is the Silver Swords, which is where the name of the contest comes from, ok?)
UPDATE: Just a note because we are getting a lot of new entries today… please enter a real name and email address. I’ll be using that to send score updates and leaderboards and whatnot.