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Hartford Yard Goats Baseball
Hartford Yard Goats Baseball

UConn in the WNBA: 20 at 20

The WNBA is celebrating its 20th season in existence by honoring the league's biggest stars and most important moments. Unsurprisingly, the league's history has a...

Arrival of Camara Continues Geno’s Transfer Evolution

On Tuesday evening, UConn announced that Kentucky forward Batouly Camara would be transferring to Storrs to join the four-time defending national champions. Batouly, 6'1", just completed...

Roundtable: WBB Season in Review

A perfect end to a perfect season.

To the other 350 teams: Time to beat UConn

You’re not going to hear this much at A Dime Back, but here we go: come and beat the Huskies.

Morgan Tuck to WNBA

UConn star on to the next level

The End of an Era

Closing an unprecedented run of dominance

Important Questions with Howard Megdal

Call him #HotTakeHoward

A Q&A with Howard Megdal, who is qualified to talk about women’s basketball

Talking UConn with Excelle Sports' Editorial Director

Bonus Mailbag: Adams vs. KLS

Frosh. vs. Frosh | Bard vs. Bard

Double-Standard for Women Extends Beyond Basketball

To reiterate: fuck this shit.
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Ranked: UConn Point Guards

Yooooooo there are no games this week so let’s rank some stuff! We got this question from Storrs South on the Twitters: We always talk...

Every Game on UConn’s Schedule: Ranked again!

The schedule is out. We’ve had time to react. We've had time to complain. Now it’s time for everyone’s favorite tradition: Russ Ranks UConn’s...

Ranked: UConn Wins Over Cincy

As #RankedWeek continues, we thought it only fair to include a list we are sure will not make Mick Cronin mad, but that he...