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Hartford Yard Goats Baseball
Hartford Yard Goats Baseball
Hartford Yard Goats Baseball


Geno Auriemma is smarter than you are. He knows exactly what he’s doing when he drops some delicious, tantalizing bit of troll bait into the world. He knows exactly what’s going to happen.
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Ranked: Our Twitter followers

A Dime Back, or as you may know us: Award-Winning TwitThing @ADimeBack, somehow has over 4,000 followers on the free website twitter.com. These people...

Ranked: UConn’s Best Pros in 2018

#RankedWeek marches on, this time, by popular demand, with an update of a list we compiled last year ranking the UConn alums excelling in...

All 999 of Geno Auriemma’s wins, ranked

1. 298 2. 530 3. 924 4. 166 5. 671 6. 508 7. 658 8. 685 9. 703 10. 335 11. 197 12. 321 13. 68 14. 516 15. 42 16. 92 17. 459 18. 775 19. 362 20. 15 21. 715 22. 529 23. 559 24....