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Tag: Player Preview

Player Preview: Steve Enoch

Each week, we'll be offering a preview of what to expect from each member of UConn's 2015-2016 roster.  Background: Steve Enoch is the first top recruit...
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The Best NBA Game by a UConn Alum

Hey, remember this game? Charlie Villanueva poured in 48 points by Grdgez In his rookie season, former UConn forward Charlie Villanueva had this 48 point outburst....

#MailWeek: All-Time Comebacks

It’s #MailWeek at A Dime Back. The men are off until the weekend and you folks are just salivating for content, so we’re going...

Ranked: UConn Doggos

Everyone knows that UConn has the greatest mascot of all the mascot, the best dog of all dogs, Jonathan XIV, who was preceded by...