FILL THE RENT | Danny Wild (USA Today Sports)
FILL THE RENT | Danny Wild (USA Today Sports)

This Saturday UConn football is playing their final home game of the season, against a ranked and undefeated Houston team, with bowl eligibility on the line. In our wildest dreams, did we think this team would turn it around so quickly and completely from last season? Did anyone not named Bob Diaco actually think this team would be in contention for a bowl appearance this late in the season? I certainly didn’t, but I am basically giddy at the prospect.

I’ll be at the game this Saturday, as I have been for all home games, as any good season-ticket holder should. But while every other home game has featured swathes of empty seats, I implore you, my fellow-faithful fans: FILL THE RENT.

This was my first year as a season-ticket holder. I spent a decade post-college living out-of-state, and now that I’m back in the Land of Steady Habits for good, I’ve been taking advantage of the plethora of UConn sporting events in close proximity to me.

I got lucky, in that I joined a fully-formed, basically professional tailgate crew. These people know how to watch football. Themed tailgates? Check. A delicious array of fine alcoholic beverages? Check. More food than any group of people should eat? Check. I didn’t even know you could buy a propane-powered toaster, but you can, and they have it, and let’s just say breakfast tailgates are my favorite.

I attended the second-to-last home game last season. UConn got blown out 41-0 by Cincinnati in front of roughly 13 people. The game was terrible. The team had clearly given up on the season, and no one, especially the fans, wanted to be there. We left after the marching band played at halftime. I do not regret that choice.

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But what a difference a year makes! The game against East Carolina (non-conference) was really a very good football game. Arkeel Newsome scored a 90-yard touchdown. 90 yards. The whole place was flipping out, fans on their feet, screaming as hard as we could. This, you guys. This is what we’ve been waiting for.

Our entirely unscientific research tells us that there are still roughly 15,000 tickets that have not been purchased for Saturday’s game. This is unacceptable.

While I realize the 3:30 start, coupled with a noon start for the men’s basketball game at Gampel, makes being a true super fan tough, (Thanks, ESPN!) you can do both. But if that’s not in your plans, go to the football game. Furman is a cupcake team, and I think you’re safe in assuming Rodney Purvis and co. have that one in the bag. They’ll understand.

The biggest argument we’ve heard about why people aren’t willing to buy a damn ticket and put their butt in a seat is because the team hasn’t been any good. Well, guess what? That argument doesn’t hold up anymore. UConn football is playing at home with bowl eligibility on the line. They’ve done their part. Now it’s time to do yours. Buy tickets, you monsters. Show up.