Homefield Apparel
Hartford Yard Goats Baseball
Hartford Yard Goats Baseball
Hartford Yard Goats Baseball


Owner & Editor-in-Chief of ADimeBack.com -- founded in 2012 to provide additional useless insight on UConn sports.

The Tale of Doron Sheffer

First there was Nadav Henefeld – the first Israeli native to don a UConn uniform. Henefeld arrived at UConn after serving the mandatory three...

Personality Disorder

Jim Calhoun is a mountain of a man. He stomps around the sidelines, stares daggers though his players, curses, kicks the scorer’s table. He...

What to Expect: Disappointment

Welcome to A Dime Back. You can expect to be horribly disappointed. Enjoy!
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The ADB Mailbag: Let’s Get Seasonal

Spooky mailbag time! We answer some Halloween-centric questions, fulfill our promise to rank Jay-Z records and answer one basketball inquiry just so we can...

The Best NBA Game by a UConn Alum

Hey, remember this game? Charlie Villanueva poured in 48 points by Grdgez In his rookie season, former UConn forward Charlie Villanueva had this 48 point outburst....

All 999 of Geno Auriemma’s wins, ranked

1. 298 2. 530 3. 924 4. 166 5. 671 6. 508 7. 658 8. 685 9. 703 10. 335 11. 197 12. 321 13. 68 14. 516 15. 42 16. 92 17. 459 18. 775 19. 362 20. 15 21. 715 22. 529 23. 559 24....