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Hartford Yard Goats Baseball
Hartford Yard Goats Baseball
Hartford Yard Goats Baseball

Russell Steinberg

Russell Steinberg
Shorter than Rebecca Lobo.

A Q&A with my dad

My dad has been a UConn fan since well before I was born, so I figured it'd be a good idea to get his...

Every Game on UConn’s Schedule: Ranked again!

The schedule is out. We’ve had time to react. We've had time to complain. Now it’s time for everyone’s favorite tradition: Russ Ranks UConn’s...

By the numbers: Why it’s Power 5 or bust for UConn

The complaints from Husky Nation are both endless and understandable. No one wants to go to Hartford on a Tuesday night to watch UConn play East...

UConn releases 2016-17 non-conference schedule

Games against Syracuse, Georgetown, and Ohio State highlight UConn's non-conference schedule, which the school released Thursday morning. The season will start officially on Nov. 11...

UConn Officials See Big 12 Hopes Fading

As the Big 12 continued its summer series of self-sabotage last week at its conference meetings in Texas, UConn officials felt the negative impact of the league's...

A look at Bob Diaco’s new contract

Like the old one, but with more money

Walk-ons, ranked

Somehow not "Tor Watts" written 10 times

To the other 350 teams: Time to beat UConn

You’re not going to hear this much at A Dime Back, but here we go: come and beat the Huskies.

Donyell Marshall to be named Central Connecticut head coach

Yes, that means we can continue the series.
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The Best NBA Game by a UConn Alum

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Ranked: All 101 of Kevin Ollie’s wins

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