Homefield Apparel
Hartford Yard Goats Baseball
Hartford Yard Goats Baseball
Hartford Yard Goats Baseball

Peter Bard

Peter Bard
Peter "Bruce" Bard will tell you more than you ever wanted to know about Kirk King.

Path to the Draft

ESPN.com has, once again, peered into my black and withered soul and delivered unto us a question found compelling only by the twisted few:...

Kemba is No. 1

  Well, Husky Nation, I'm proud of you. Aside from a few missteps, you've generally done the right thing throughout this exercise (the right thing...
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#MailWeek: Best Non-Conference Games of All-Time

Despite our general hostility towards our readers, we really do enjoy answering your questions in our weekly ADB Mailbag. However, some of your queries...

Walk-ons, ranked

Somehow not "Tor Watts" written 10 times

All 999 of Geno Auriemma’s wins, ranked

1. 298 2. 530 3. 924 4. 166 5. 671 6. 508 7. 658 8. 685 9. 703 10. 335 11. 197 12. 321 13. 68 14. 516 15. 42 16. 92 17. 459 18. 775 19. 362 20. 15 21. 715 22. 529 23. 559 24....