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A Dime Back

A Dime Back
A Dime Back -- For UConn Fans, By UConn Fans

Podcast: Indiana Reactions, Football’s Disappearing Roster, WBB Recruiting

UConn lost an undetermined sports game (it certainly wasn't basketball) to Indiana and we're here to break it all down. Good things, bad things,...

Podcast: James Bouknight is Your New Dad and You Will Respect HIm

Much like the last pod, UConn is good again awoouuu. But even better now! The gang obsesses over James Bouknight's debut, combats UConn fans that...

Podcast: Evaluating UConn After a Big Win and a Big Loss

UConn is good again awoouuu. Or maybe not. But maybe! The gang reacts to the Huskies' big win over Florida and bad loss to St....

Podcast: UConn Basketball Seasons Preview

Gang... it's basketball season. In this pod (sponsored by J. Timothy's), we breakdown every part of the upcoming UConn seasons (men's and women's) including...

Women’s Basketball: 2019-20 Preseason Roundtable

Dan Shaughnessy is still a weird piece of shit and we're still here making wild predictions about UConn women's basketball. Buckle your seatbelt and/or...

Men’s Basketball: 2019-20 Preseason Roundtable

Folkx,,, it's basketball season. Every year, the ADB staff gives you some soon-to-be-wrong predictions in the form of the preseason roundtable. You can read some...

Podcast: Benedict’s Indy Schedule

UConn is joining the Big East, you see, but not in the footballs. In this pod (sponsored by J. Timothy's), we discuss the recently...

Podcast: Back in the Big East

UConn is joining the Big East, you see. In this mega-podcast (sponsored by J. Timothy's), we discuss the financials, the collateral damage and the...

Podcast: With Special Guest Sen. Chris Murphy

College athletes are being exploited while those around them get rich and U.S. Senator Chris Murphy is on the case! He joins the podcast...

ADB Mailbag: Grad Transfer Options

Good evening. March is lit. Sports, etc. UConn is approximately 12 months away from its 5th national title and we're approximately now away from...
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#MailWeek: All-Time Comebacks

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Every Game on UConn’s Schedule: Ranked again!

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